sinhala key help for windows 11


 For Sinhala typing, there are several software options available that can help you type in Sinhala on your computer or device. Here are a few options:

1. **Keyman for Sinhala**: This is a Unicode compliant, phonetic keyboard that is designed to be easy to use for anyone familiar with a QWERTY keyboard. It allows you to type Sinhala in all your favorite programs, including email, web browsers, and office applications. You can also type Sinhala online in your browser without any download required¹.

2. **Sinhala Real-time Unicode and Sinhala Font Converter**: This tool allows you to convert Sinhala Unicode text to Sinhala fonts. It supports font typing layouts such as default Windows and Isi (Isiwara) and can be used as an Isi font converter².

3. **Pencil (පැන්සල)**: Pencil is a program that lets you type Sinhala words in real-time, with or without Unicode support. It features auto words suggestion, a virtual keyboard, office mode, and Google search. The latest version is available for free download³.

4. **Google Input Tools**: Google Input Tools for Sinhala allows you to type in Sinhala using a variety of devices and platforms, including web browsers and Android devices. It's available through Google Play or as a Chrome extension⁴.

These tools should make typing in Sinhala more accessible and efficient, whether you're working on a document or communicating online.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 26/03/2024
(1) Keyman for Sinhala.
(2) Type in Sinhala - Sinhala Real-time Unicode and Sinhala Font Converter ....
(3) Pencil (පැන්සල) - Serandibsoft.
(4) Google ආදාන මෙවලම් උත්සාහ කරන්න.